Connecting You To The Wisdom Of Your Body

Your Invitation to Healing

So many of us are carrying the weight of emotions like anger, shame, anxiety, fear, abandonment, & rejection, woven into the fabric of our lives. These feelings often arise when we’ve silenced our inner voice, strayed from our worth, or chosen comfort over the callings of our heart. In a world that doesn’t teach us how to tend to the delicate landscape of our emotions, we are left without the tools to understand our feelings or trace them back to their source. We aren’t shown how to live in alignment with our soul’s deepest desires, nor are we guided on how to foster healthy, nourishing relationships. Instead, we are taught to expect disconnection, to harden ourselves to the dysfunction that surrounds us, to compartmentalize, to numb, & to live from a place of scarcity.

But there is another way, dear one.

My work is here to hold you in the places where you feel stuck, to gently guide you out of the maze of disconnection & into a realm where your soul is heard, where your heart is nurtured, & where you can remember the truth of who you are. Together, we will walk this path, tending to the parts of your spirit that have long been waiting to be seen.

Alchemy Container

a 3-month journey from self-criticism to self-compassion & connection 

You’ve spent so much of your life caught in the web of people-pleasing, overachieving, perfectionism, & imposter syndrome, these patterns silently weaving themselves into the very fabric of your being. You know the weight of constantly striving, the ache of feeling unseen, & the longing to feel like you are enough. You are ready, dear one, to soften these edges, to release what no longer serves you, & to reclaim the parts of yourself that have been lost along the way. This is not just about breaking habits—it is about returning to the quiet, true essence of who you are & stepping back into the power you’ve always carried within.

My Alchemy Container is an invitation to journey into the heart of your own becoming. Over three transformative months, you will be held & guided gently back to yourself, discovering what it means to move with ease, embody pleasure, & live from a place of deep, soulful alignment. Here, you will learn to set boundaries without guilt, release the old stories that keep you small, & rewrite your narrative with compassion & love. This is a space where the wisdom of your body is honored, where you are guided back through the sacred portal of your own knowing, inviting profound healing & wholeness into every corner of your life.

Here, I invite you to step bravely into a new chapter—to remember your worth, to honor every part of your being, & to reclaim the wholeness that is your birthright. If you feel the call to move beyond old stories & limitations & into the tender embrace of your true self, the Alchemy Container is here to hold you. This is the work of coming home to your own heart. Your journey back to wholeness begins here.

Restoring The Heart

a weekly winter women’s circle here to support healing, grief, & renewal

If you find yourself feeling the weight of grief or the tender ache of transition, know that there is a space waiting to hold you, to witness you, & to gently guide you back to yourself. Restoring The Heart is a circle, a gathering of women who come together to move through the quiet darkness of winter, each one of us carrying our own stories of loss, change, & longing.

This circle is a place where you can simply be. Where there is no rush to heal, no expectation to fix. You are invited to rest here, to be held in the soft embrace of community, & to reconnect with the wisdom that lives quietly inside you. Through the healing vibrations of sound, the tender practice of journaling, the beauty of creative expression, & rituals that honor the turning of the seasons, we will walk together through the depths of winter.

Let this be a space where you can lay down what is heavy, where you can breathe deeply & feel the warmth of kindred hearts beside you; & when spring arrives, you will feel the gentle renewal that comes with allowing yourself to be fully held, fully witnessed, & deeply loved.

Why invest in your healing?

The value of deep, transformative work

You are worthy of the kind of healing that doesn’t just soothe the surface but reaches into the deepest parts of your being, unraveling the knots of pain, fear, & old stories that have kept you bound. Investing time & energy in your healing is a profound act of self-love, a declaration that you are no longer willing to carry the burdens that have weighed you down.

This work is not about a quick fix or temporary relief. It is about stepping into a sacred journey where you honor every part of yourself—the parts that have been wounded, the parts that have been unseen, & the parts that are ready to emerge, whole & radiant. When you choose to invest in yourself at this level, you are choosing a path that leads to lasting transformation, joy, & a return to the fullness of who you truly are.

Imagine waking up each day feeling connected, grounded, & embodied in your truth. Imagine moving through life guided by your own inner wisdom, unburdened by the old patterns that once held you back. This is the power of deep, dedicated healing. This is the gift you give yourself when you say yes to this journey.

The choice to invest in yourself is not just about healing—it is about reclaiming your life, your joy, & your purpose. It’s about creating a future where you no longer have to simply survive but can fully thrive. You deserve to feel supported, empowered, & deeply nourished on your path. & together, we will walk this path with compassion, courage, & unwavering commitment to your beautiful unfolding.

Techniques I work with in my practice

The body holds a sacred intelligence, whispering truths & guidance that have long awaited your gentle attention. Every practice we move through together is crafted to honor this inner wisdom, to create space for the unspoken stories & buried wounds to rise, soften, & find release. Here, we do not force or rush, but instead, lovingly invite your whole being to shed layers of pain & step tenderly into joy. Together, we will honor your body’s journey, allowing it to lead you from the shadows of suffering into the warm embrace of your own light.


Dive into the breath, a sacred bridge that connects us to our bodies, revealing parts of us silently yearning for attention. Each inhale & exhale awakens the fibers of our being, inviting deep healing & presence.

Parts Integration

Gently unite the fragmented aspects of yourself, creating a harmonious somatic shift that transforms old patterns. This tender process brings profound wholeness, healing the unconscious layers within you.


Journey into the depths of your unconscious mind, uncovering hidden truths that facilitate transformative healing. Through this gentle exploration, rewire old patterns & welcome profound, lasting change.

Energy Healing

Allow the subtle energies to cleanse & realign your energetic field, nurturing deep, somatic healing. This sacred practice shifts & releases stagnant energies, restoring balance & ease to your entire being.

Past Lives

Open the door to memories beyond this lifetime, illuminating patterns & wounds that span across ages. This unique journey releases old traumas, fostering deep, soul-level transformation & renewal.

What people are saying

“Emily helped me move through many years, generations, & past lives of emotions & limiting beliefs that trapped me in unworthiness, fear, & shame that kept me from stepping into my wholehearted authentic self. She intuitively & skillfully brought me back into my worth as a badass, empowered daring woman."

-Carol T

“Emily is before her time, a true artist of the senses. For anyone looking to shed the belief that their goals are focused on the approval of others, consider working with Emily. People pleasing hinders an individual’s own soul-song; Emily has an uncanny way of helping to create a new path for your authentic self & offering plenty of hand-holding along the way.”

-Tammy R

"The sessions I had with Emily were eye opening, life affirming, and contributed to my personal well-being in ways I could not have imagined before our first session together. Whatever happens in the years ahead, I know that my time with Emily helped build the foundation for what is to come, and for the first time in years, I am filled with joy and optimism about my future. "

-Kamala B

Restoring connection between mind, body, & spirit

My name is Emily Rose, & I am here to walk beside you; as a gentle companion, a witness, & a guide as you tenderly make your way back to yourself. I know the ache of feeling disconnected; the quiet weight of old stories pressing down on your spirit, keeping you from fully stepping into the life you long to live. The heart of what I offer is grounded in the understanding that real healing doesn’t happen in a rush or through surface solutions. It unfolds gently, like a slow, steady breath, inviting you inward—into those tender, hidden places that have been waiting patiently to be seen, embraced, & gently healed. It is here, in the softness of this journey, that true transformation begins.

I bring a unique blend of modalities that honor every part of your being—mind, body, & spirit—guiding you through the rich, transformative work of somatic healing, energy therapy, hypnosis, art, NLP, parts integration & compassionate presence. Many who come to me have felt unseen, longing for a space where they can be fully met in their truth without judgment. I know the importance of being held by someone who truly understands, someone who doesn’t just see your struggles but feels the depth of your journey & meets you with compassion at every turn.

Reiki attunements & certification

I know how challenging it can be to begin to navigate your spiritual healing practice. At times, it can feel like there is so much information available, yet it becomes overwhelming to discern what is truly aligned with your personal path. These offerings gently invite you to explore the ancient wisdom of energy healing, honoring every part of who you are—your body, your heart, & your spirit. I believe in walking with you as you find what feels right in your healing journey, sharing all the resources I can to support you along the way. In this space, you are softly invited to breathe deeply, to release what has been weighing on you, & to reconnect with the steady, quiet rhythm that has always been within. As you move through this unfolding, you will begin to feel the loosening of old stories, the gentle release of emotional weight, & a quiet return to your truest self.

This is a remembering, a homecoming to the natural connection between your body, mind, & spirit. Here, you are held with tenderness as you allow yourself to simply be, trusting that the healing you seek has always been within you, waiting patiently for you to notice.

Free goodies

These offerings are designed to help you foster self-compassion, & nurture your well-being. Allow yourself to wander through this collection, discovering tools that resonate with your unique path. Your journey towards a more fulfilling life begins with that very first step, & these resources are here to walk beside you on your profound odyssey of self-exploration & transformation. Let these tools be the gentle companions that light your way, reminding you that every step you take is a step towards your most embodied & whole self.

You may have questions, so let's connect

Let’s chat about what kind of support you are looking for, & the internal shifts you’re looking to make. This space is dedicated to exploring the ins & outs of the work that I do. Together we will walk you through what you can expect, the things you need to implement to make this work the most impactful it can be, & how my processes can deeply support the change you wish to create.

Find inspiration here

So much of what I teach my clients is expressed through through the posts of this platform; so if you want to get to know me better, Instagram is a great place to do it.