Confidence + Hypnosis

What is confidence? Where does it come from? How do you get it? How do you lose it? It seems so obvious to our minds what confidence looks like; however, most folks have a false idea of what it truly means and how it’s cultivated. So let’s start with “what is confidence?”. Confidence is an internal knowing that you are secure in who you are, what you do, and what you believe in. It’s not arrogance or ego; rather, it’s an ability to know that you trust in yourself. Let’s look at some examples. Someone who fails, but has the confidence to push forward to the next best thing, trusts that each experience teaches them something beautiful. So you see, confidence is not about knowing you are good at something; it is about having faith that you are capable and worthy of what is coming your way.

Now, where does it come from? It comes from learning security and self-worth at a young age. Those who struggle to feel confident likely had parents who modeled insecurity to them or treated them as though they did not deserve resources, attention, affection, etc. Most parents/authority figures don’t do this on purpose. It’s their subconscious blocks and beliefs that spill over into the lives of their children. Still, even though it’s not always intentional, it is always devastating. Parents who model nurturing patience and adoration tend to raise many more adopted children. They grow up getting their needs met, never go without, and are taught healthy boundaries rather than strict discipline. These are the critical difference that generates polarizing outcomes. Now, some people grow up in a very stable home with nurturing parents and lose their confidence later in life due to a traumatic event. So it’s not to say that growing up in a healthy home means you will always have faith in your abilities. Life will always throw new challenges and opportunities to grow and learn. Confidence can come and go for anyone, even the most secure of people can lose their way in a dark knight of the soul.

How Can Hypnosis Generate Trust In The Self?

Because hypnosis creates a neurological connection that bypasses the critical faculty, it enhances the ability to learn something new. So it's in this space that you uncover new experiences that shape how you see yourself. Processes can include regression to reframe a memory of the inner child, parts therapy to negotiate and nurture aspects of self, and future progression, which helps you see what life will be like when you are fully embodied in your self-worth. Each process has its own unique time and place in a session. Some clients may require more regression , while others may need significant parts integration. After these methods have been used to rewire the brain, I then practice future progression to reinforce the changes we have made.

These processes generate a change in the mind cultivated by rewiring deep subconscious beliefs. Because of neuroplasticity, the brain is constantly changing and has the ability to embody new ways of thought. It's amazing how working with the mind through deep subconscious programming can alter how you think about yourself.

Trust In Your Worth & Deservingness

This process is one of deep intention that requires your commitment and cooperation. It is not passive, and things can not happen to you without you deeply wanting them to. If you are interested in hypnotherapy, then hi! I’m Emily Rose, a certified hypnotic regression therapist, and parts integration specialist. I work with clients who are ready to explore themselves in multi-dimensional ways. If you would like to get to know more about me, Click Here to be taken to my story. If you want to explore my services, values, and methods, Click Here to be taken to my hypnosis page, and if you’re thinking, “This is so cool, and I have questions about how to work with you!” then Click Here to be taken to my scheduling page where you can book a free 20-minute clarity call to get to know one another. I’m happy to lend any resources I have to your journey and answer any questions about Hypnotherapy. I appreciate your love and support for Mystic Rose Medicine and send you thanks for taking the time to read this post. Have a wonderful day.

With Love, Emily Rose Wheeler


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I'm Emily Rose

Embodiment Coach + Energy Therapist

I'm your unwavering guide, here to liberate you from the grasp of old stories & labels that were never truly yours. Together, we'll reignite the connection between your mind & body, offering grounding & nurturing support to shift you from a sense of disconnection and stagnation to one of embodiment and wholeness in your life's journey. I firmly believe that purpose, passion, & pleasure are attainable for everyone.

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