Spirituality Emily Rose Spirituality Emily Rose

How to Connect with Source

Universal energy can be felt in different ways by different people. For instance, some people are natural auditory learners, while others are very kinesthetic. Neither is wrong, it’s just unique to that individual. You may hear signs from the universe clear as day, as though someone is talking directly into your ear. You may see translucent figures or orbs, noticing that your guides are always with you. You may also feel energy.

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Spirituality Emily Rose Spirituality Emily Rose

Setting an Intention for a New Season

Today is the Spring Equinox, a day of balance. The sun and moon share equal time in the sky above us; it’s a day of balance and harmony. The harsh cold of the winter has begun to hibernate once again, while the heat of the summer is beginning to awaken slowly but surely. This is a time to release the old and invite in the new. We begin to see butterflies pollinate, the birds building their nests, and mother Gaia waking up to her new earth as everything begins to bloom.

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Spirituality Emily Rose Spirituality Emily Rose

Welcoming the Autumn Equinox

Also called the Fall Equinox or Mabon, this is a time for restructuring and reprioritizing our needs. As we leave summer behind, we transition into a time of release. These next 3 months are essential for harvesting all the seeds you have planted at the beginning of the year and taking a hard look at the harvest. This can be taken figuratively and metaphorically. Perhaps earlier this year, you started a new project or began a journey to self-healing and awareness, or maybe you have vegetables to yield that will nourish for the upcoming winter months. Whatever you have been working towards, this is the time to acknowledge your efforts and take stock of what’s working and what isn’t.

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