Restoring The Heart

A weekly women's circle for grief, healing, & renewal

An in-person offering beginning January 8th & ending March 26th in West Linn, OR

A space for you to be seen, held, & supported through the quiet darkness of winter.

This 12-week circle is a sacred offering, a sanctuary for women of all ages who are feeling the quiet pull of the darker months—the time of year when life slows down & invites us to turn inward. It is for those who are longing for connection in a season that often feels isolating, for those who are navigating the tender terrain of grief, loss, transition, & the quiet contractions of being human. This is a space for the parts of us that carry the weight of what has been lost—be it loved ones, relationships, dreams, or pieces of ourselves that we’ve left behind along the way.

In this circle, we will gather as a community, woven together by the shared understanding that some things are simply too heavy to carry alone. Here, we will meet in the warmth of connection, creating a container where your heart is safe to open, where you can feel held as you process the complexities of your inner world.

We are a small circle of women, bound together by the shared intention to honor what is most sacred within us. As we sit together, we will breathe life into the stories that need to be told—the stories of grief, renewal, loss, & transformation. This is not a space for fixing or mending, for rushing through what is tender. It is a place where you can allow yourself to simply be—without judgment, without the pressure to change or heal on anyone’s timeline but your own.

You will be met with the warmth of kindred souls, each one here to witness you fully, just as you are. In this space, there is no expectation to explain, justify, or hide any part of yourself. You are invited to feel deeply, to let what has been buried rise to the surface, & to release it into the circle, where it will be held with compassion.

Here, we embrace the fullness of our human experience—the joy & the sorrow, the light & the darkness, the known & the unknown. We hold space for all of it, trusting that in the act of gathering together, we create something sacred: a community where every heart can rest, where every story can be heard, & where every soul can find its way back to the light.

The healing that awaits

As the days grow colder & the world around us quiets, we will come together in weekly gatherings, moving through what has been lost—whether it be loved ones, unmet expectations, or pieces of ourselves we have left behind. When spring arrives & the doors to this container close, you will leave feeling deeply held, validated in your grief, & seen in ways you may not have felt before. You will have gained resources to tend to the parts of you that hold separation, shame, guilt, & anger, allowing healing to happen in its own time & rhythm. This offering will guide you through experiences that open space for your pain to breathe, to exist, without the need to be fixed—but rather, held in the tender light of compassion. Here, you will be invited to share the things that feel too heavy, & together we will sit with them, allowing the light of community to heal in ways only shared presence can.

Our practices

Each week, the flow of our gatherings will be guided by the energy of the group, allowing us to meet the evolving needs of the circle as they arise. Whether we engage in sound therapy, journaling, painting, meditation, or journey work, our focus will always be on fostering connection, healing, & renewal. Our journey together begins with a special opening ceremony on December 11th. Following the holidays, we will start our weekly gatherings on Wednesdays from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM, beginning January 8th. Throughout these weeks, we will explore:

Journaling with Prompts:

I will invite you to open the door to your inner world, to let your thoughts flow freely onto the page, without judgment or expectation. Through guided prompts, you will find space to explore what is stirring within—those quiet whispers, hidden longings, or untold stories. This is a time for you to listen deeply, to let the wisdom of your heart rise to the surface, & to express whatever needs to be seen, in a way that feels tender & true.

Journey Work:
Together, we will journey inward, guided by meditative practices that open the doorway to your soul’s deeper wisdom. In these trance states, you will be gently led into the quiet corners of your inner world, where insights & guidance flow effortlessly. It is in these sacred spaces that the soul speaks clearly, where the heart reveals what it longs to say. This is a time to listen with your whole being, to allow the wisdom within you to rise, & to trust that the answers you seek are already held inside you.

Group Sharing & Personal Narratives:
In this circle, you will be met with open hearts, where your story will be held with reverence. Here, you are invited to speak what is true for you, to share your journey in a space where every voice matters. As we listen to each other, we find ourselves in the reflections of those who sit beside us, discovering the threads that connect us in our shared human experience. This practice of speaking & listening, of offering and receiving, fosters a sense of deep connection and belonging, allowing you to feel seen in the fullness of who you are.

Processed Painting:
In our time together, you will be invited to explore the language of the heart through art. With paint & brush in hand, you will be free to express what words cannot—letting your hands speak for your soul. This practice is here to allow emotions, thoughts, & experiences to take shape on the canvas. It is a space for you to release, to play, & to discover the healing power of creativity. Here, your heart will guide your hands, offering you a new way to process & transform what you carry.

Sound Healing:
We will weave sound into the fabric of our gatherings, creating a gentle balm for your soul. The soft tones of singing bowls, chimes, & other sounds will carry you into a state of deep rest, allowing the layers of tension within you to soften. As the vibrations move through your body, they will ease your nervous system into a state of calm, inviting healing on a level beyond words. You are invited to simply rest in this soundscape, to let it hold you as you reconnect with the quiet, peaceful rhythm within.

Breath by breath, we will gently soften the hold of the old stories & beliefs that no longer serve you. Through the power of your breath, you will begin to create space within, releasing what weighs you down & inviting in what nourishes your soul. This practice will offer you a doorway to deeper connection with your body & spirit, opening you to new possibilities & allowing you to align with your heart’s deepest callings. As you breathe, you will return to the beauty that is waiting to unfold in your life.

What makes this space unique

This gathering is a journey, deeply intertwined with the rhythms of nature & the wisdom of ancient cycles. In this sacred space, we honor the passage of time, the turning of seasons, & the natural flow of life. Each element of this circle is designed to help you connect more fully with yourself, with the earth, & with the collective wisdom of the group. Together, we will honor the sacred patterns that hold us, guiding us through the process of healing & renewal.

Seasonal Rituals

As the seasons change, so do we. Our gatherings will reflect this natural ebb & flow, aligning our work with the rhythms of the earth. In the depths of winter, we will turn inward, setting intentions to nurture the seeds of what we hope to grow. As spring approaches, we will celebrate renewal & rebirth, allowing the wisdom of nature to guide us through these transitions. Though we begin just before winter’s arrival & conclude at the first signs of spring, the majority of our time together will be held in the heart of winter, where each ritual will offer a sacred pause to honor our cycles of growth, release, & renewal.

Moon Cycles

The moon, in all her radiant phases, holds a special place in our circle, offering her quiet wisdom to guide us through our time together. We will weave her essence into our gatherings, allowing her cycles to reflect the ebb & flow of our own emotional & spiritual rhythms. As we honor the moon’s influence, we will be reminded to move with the same grace—embracing stillness when needed, & flowing forward when the time feels right. Her light will gently illuminate the parts of us that call for healing, revealing what has been hidden & inviting us to tend to our inner landscape with care. Just as she lights the night sky, she will light our path through this journey, reminding us that every phase—whether in darkness or light—holds its own unique power.

Additional Support

In between our gatherings, you will have access to a private Voxer chat where the group can continue to support one another. This space allows us to remain in connection, even when we are not physically together. Here, you can share reflections, resources, personal insights, or simply reach out for a supportive word when needed. Whether it’s celebrating a breakthrough, asking a question, or sharing how you’re feeling after our sessions, this chat is a sacred extension of the circle—available to you whenever you need it. It’s a place to be reminded that you are never alone on this journey, & that the wisdom, strength, & compassion of the group are always with you, holding you from afar.

Feeling the call? Let’s connect.

If you’re feeling that gentle pull, that quiet whisper to join this circle, let’s take a moment together. Perhaps you have questions, or you’re wondering if this space is truly meant for you. I’m here to listen to the stirrings of your heart, to explore what kind of support you’re seeking, & the shifts you’re longing to make. We’ll walk through what this circle can offer you—how it will hold you, nurture you, & help you grow in the ways your soul is asking for. There’s no rush, no pressure, just a gentle conversation to help you feel deeply supported as you step into this next chapter of your journey.

Hypnosis for people pleasing

My name is Emily Rose

It is my deepest honor to walk beside you on this sacred journey. I know intimately the weight of grief, the hollow ache of disconnection, & the deep yearning to be seen—truly seen—in the raw truth of who you are. My work is born from a profound understanding of the body’s innate wisdom, the healing power of energy, & the gentle yet transformative healing that unfolds when we are held and witnessed in our full humanity.

Through years of dedicated study, self-inquiry, & navigating my own paths of loss, I have come to deeply trust the wisdom that resides within us all. Our bodies, when given space, reveal an innate grace—a grace that allows room for every facet of our human experience, from the shadow to the light. I am here to guide you through this profound process of self-exploration, to hold you as you release what no longer serves you, & to help you reconnect with the parts of yourself that are ready to awaken and bloom.

The power of gathering in circle with women is undeniable. It is the very circles I’ve been privileged to sit in that have drawn me to create this offering for you. There is a unique, ancestral power that arises when women share their stories & experiences, when we sit shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart. Whether you are a sister, mother, grandmother, or daughter, you are welcomed here. This circle is not just a gathering—it is a sanctuary, a place for you to be fully seen, held, & nurtured in every part of your being. Here, we remember the strength that resides in our shared humanity, and we rise together.

The rhythm of our gatherings

I know how powerful the impact is of healing in circle, & I feel the call in my community—a longing for deeper, more meaningful bonds. In this safe & supportive space, you’ll discover a community, powerful healing practices, & rituals that are attuned to the natural rhythms of the earth & moon. Here, you are invited to simply be—to feel what arises, to heal at your own pace, & to let whatever needs to surface do so without judgment. This intimate women’s circle is a sanctuary for your heart, mind, & spirit.

Over the course of 12 weeks, we will walk through the quiet, introspective months of winter together, honoring the grief, loss, & tender transitions that life brings. Through nurturing sound healing, guided journaling, movement, & creative expression, you will reconnect with the wisdom within you, held and supported by a circle of kindred souls. Together, we will journey through the darkness & emerge into renewal.

Step into this sacred space, where you can be seen, heard, & deeply supported on your healing journey.
  • Duration: 12 weeks, with an additional opening ceremony on December 11th from 5:30-7:30 PM.

  • Weekly Meetings: We will meet every Wednesday evening, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM, starting January 8th. Each gathering will be held in person, where we will create a space for our collective healing & exploration. With an additional gathering for our opening ceremony on December 11th.

  • Location: We will gather in the warm & welcoming space of my West Linn studio; designed to cradle you in comfort & allow for deep connection.

  • Investment: The energy exchange for this 12-week journey is $1,333. Sliding scale options are available for folks in need, with flexible payment plans to ensure that everyone who feels called can join this space.

***This circle is limited to just 7 women to ensure an intimate & deeply supportive space. Reserve your spot before it fills.

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So much of what I teach my clients is expressed through through the posts of this platform; so if you want to get to know me better, Instagram is a great place to do it.