NLP, Timeline Therapy, & Hypnotherapy For Transformational Shifts

So many incredible tools in one place! If you don’t know what Timeline Therapy, Hypnosis, or NLP is, or maybe you know one but not all; I’m here to share with you what the processes look like, how fast they create change in your life, and what you can expect from these techniques. I personally use all of these methods in a session when I’m working with clients because I feel they all serve a different purpose in my practice, and I like to use all my tools rather than parcel them out into different offerings. Some practitioners will only specialize in on of these modalities, while others will utilize all of them, so let’s go over the details so that you can make an informed decision when it comes to choosing the practitioner you want to work with.

The Power Of Timeline Therapy

This process can rid you of anything and everything that you feel is tied to inauthentic behaviors and unhealthy emotions. Habits, feelings, and states of being; Timeline Therapy can resolve them all, and it does so quickly and efficiently. So let’s say we are working on intimacy, and in a session, we uncover a few beliefs such as; “I’m not worthy of love” If someone loves me, I have to sacrifice myself to keep them happy”, and “I’m lucky if someone loves me”. Now let’s imagine that guilt, shame, grief, and helplessness are tied up in this. Between the emotions and beliefs, we have 7 blocks that can proceed with doing timeline therapy on each individual. Now, we can move through up to 4 in any given session, and when I say move through, I mean dissolve and integrate a new way of being. In traditional talk therapy, rewiring and shifting 4 different belief structures/emotions could take years, and were accomplishing it in one session.

Now, when working on something like self-worth (whether it’s related to career, intimacy, wealth, etc) my clients have anywhere from 15-30 blocks in one given area. So even though Timeline Therapy moves through them quickly, it can take a few months to dissolve everything. That being said, practicing timeline therapy for something like a simple habit of fear of flying or spiders can be done in as little as 1-2 sessions.

This process works by gaining insights and lessons from the first time this emotion/belief became part of your identity, integrating what you would have needed at the time in order to never have the problem in the first place, and rewiring that first event to release the block completely. It’s quick and effortless. I have practiced Timeline Therapy with countless clients, and every time without questions, they are amazed at how it works.

Hypnosis & Trance Suggestions

Hypnosis is an incredible process that can be something that works instantly and/or through the process of short-term repetition. This is because some folks are very suggestible, and others need more time for integration paired with other modalities to cultivate the change they desire. It’s not a one size fits all approach, and it’s important to recognize that just because one person responded well to one type of suggestion, someone else may need another. For example, there are so many forms of hypnosis. One comparison that is easy to understand is direct vs indirect suggestions. A direct suggestion is great for folks who respond well to authority and/or trust the process fully. This would look like “ You now find yourself engaging in conversations that align with your authenticity and choose to speak up about your interests, needs, boundaries, and opinion”. An indirect suggestion, on the other hand, is great for someone who struggles with authority and needs some subconscious maneuvering to integrate these suggestions. They look like this “Now, perhaps you find yourself in situations where you are surrounded by people, and I wonder if you can imagine having conversations that feel good and aligned with your authenticity as though the truth that comes from within sparks something that may lead to wholeness, or maybe it leads to peace as you contemplate your interests, needs, boundaries, and opinions that serve you in the future conversation you have”. See the difference? This process requires a lot of information before ever stepping into trance so that the practitioner can fully understand how your mind works, what you need, and what will be the most beneficial for the change you are seeking.

NLP & Rapid Shifts

NLP stands for Nero Linguistic Programming. It’s the art of speaking to the subconscious mind in a language it understands. And you may be wondering what I mean by that, because we view language as the words we speak, and our mind comprehends these words every day as long as they are relaid to us in a langue we understand, but that is precisely it. The subconscious mind's language isn’t in words; it’s in sensory acuity. The things we see, feel, smell, taste, and hear (not words, but pitch & tone). For example, a common NLP technique has you imagine a habit, let’s say it’s laziness, and imagine a picture. Is it bright or dim? Big or small? Moving or stagnant? Black and white or in color? Etc… Then you imagine how you want to feel, the image of what it would look like for you to be excited and motivated by your thoughts and imagination, and go through the same questions. Now, the two images you have will have differences. For example, the laziness picture in your mind may be in black and white, while the motivated image may be in full color. We take note of the differences and then change the unmotivated picture, to match the sensory acuity of the motivated picture. This does something in the mind that creates a permanent change just by imagining light, sound, and distance differently. Wild right? And this is just one technique out of hundreds that can be used in NLP.

Combining Timeline Therapy, NLP, & Hypnosis To Cultivate Deep-Rooted Change

At this point, you are probably amazed at how these processes work, so imagine working with a practitioner who specializes in all three, assisting you through money blocks, relationship struggles, generational trauma, and purpose-driven work. So if you’re intrigued and are looking for a practitioner, look no further! Hey there, my name is Emily Rose, and I work with clients worldwide searching for a solution to their problems. As a hypnotherapist, I am formally trained in Timeline Therapy, NLP, Regression, Parts Integration, and Coaching. I use all of my tools in session to help you create the foundational change you so deeply desire. If you want to know more about me, head over to my "About Me" page. If you're thinking, "This is so cool, and I have questions about how to work with you!" Check out my scheduling page, where you can book a free 20-minute clarity call to get to know one another. I'm happy to lend any resources I have to your journey and answer any questions about Hypnotherapy, NLP, and Timeline Therapy. I appreciate your love and support for Mystic Rose Medicine, and thank you for taking the time to read and sit with me as I help you make sense of the hypnotic world!

With Love, Emily Rose Wheeler


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I'm Emily Rose

Embodiment Coach + Energy Therapist

I'm your unwavering guide, here to liberate you from the grasp of old stories & labels that were never truly yours. Together, we'll reignite the connection between your mind & body, offering grounding & nurturing support to shift you from a sense of disconnection and stagnation to one of embodiment and wholeness in your life's journey. I firmly believe that purpose, passion, & pleasure are attainable for everyone.


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