5 Principles of Reiki

Are you looking to understand some of the fundamentals of Reiki? Well, you have come to the right place. Although there are many things to know and understand about this Energy Therapy, The Five Reiki Principles are one of the most important spiritual precepts of the practice and hold great wisdom and energetic boundaries within them. They are guidelines meant to help you live in the present moment. Not thinking about the past or the future, simply tending to the day ahead, and setting an intention for inner peace.

These principles can be used by anyone, not just reiki practitioners. As a gentle way of being, they remind us to stay true to our authenticity, to value others around us, to have gratitude for our blessings, and to recognize our emotions and where they may be coming from. Anyone, regardless of their religious background or spiritual beliefs, can resonate with these ideals because they are something that most every person can feel a resonance with. They are not based in any religious structure, nor do they belong to a specific construct of spirituality. They are a secular set of principles that allow them to be practiced by anyone who finds them useful in their daily, weekly or even monthly practice.

The Five Reiki Principles are as follows:

Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will not be angry.
Just for today, I will work diligently.
Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Just for today, I will be compassionate.

The best way to understand these principles is to build them into your practice intentionally. Journal on them, meditate or paint through these actions, and notice the feelings that come up in your body. The greater you build a relationship with them, the more in touch you will be with yourself. Trust me; these principles got me out of the hustle and bustle mindset. I used to struggle to look at my busy calender; getting overwhelmed by what was scheduled in the upcoming weeks would send my heart into overdrive as I frantically focused on everything I had to do. The practice of “just for today” allows everything else to be addressed for another day, and until that day comes, there is nothing I need to concern myself with.

The five Reiki Principles created an internal space for me to step into the present moment, release worry, and embody my serenity. If you are someone who is looking for a practice that will nurture you throughout your daily routine, I highly recommend adding this simple ritual to your practice.

Looking For An Energy Practitioner?

Look no further! Hi, I’m Emily Rose, I am a Reiki Master Practitioner, and I have been practicing Reiki since 2015. Although my energetic therapy practice has grown, and I use multiple modalities in my sessions, my roots are in traditional Uusi Reiki and Maha Reiki. If you have questions, are curious about anything discussed in this article, or are looking to work with an energy therapist, reach out to me by clicking here. My local community is not Portland, Oregon, where I hold in-person sessions, and if you are interested in long-distance energy therapy, I do offer that nurturing support as well!

I hope you found this post illuminating and that it gave you an idea of how energy work can help you. Sending love and gratitude from my heart to yours.

Blessings, Emily Wheeler


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I'm Emily Rose

Embodiment Coach + Energy Therapist

I'm your unwavering guide, here to liberate you from the grasp of old stories & labels that were never truly yours. Together, we'll reignite the connection between your mind & body, offering grounding & nurturing support to shift you from a sense of disconnection and stagnation to one of embodiment and wholeness in your life's journey. I firmly believe that purpose, passion, & pleasure are attainable for everyone.



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